MetalXtract® Filter Media

Heavy metal exposure currently represents a serious worldwide health and environmental hazard. Of the 23 commonly classified heavy elements, excessive amounts of lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic, chromium, zinc, and copper are of the greatest concern to health, as they frequently result in compromised mental and central nervous system function, alterations in blood composition, nausea and vomiting, damage to organs such as the lungs, kidneys, and liver, and an overall reduced level of energy.

Periodic Products has developed a series of filtration medias which remove metal ions from water. MetalXtract® Filter Media uses the power of Chelok to isolate and eliminate metal ions, including lead, mercury, and rare earth elements from water with a wide range of pH.  Chelok Technology uses second order kinetics to rapidly remove ions at a higher rate and with a higher capacity than current ion exchange resins.


Metal Binding Filter Media

Effective from pH 1 to 14
Effective at High TDS
Effective in High Calcium Concentrations
High Capacity – Effective Concentration of Metals
Binds Wide Array of Metals


Ion Exchange

Narrow pH Range
Ineffective in High TDS
Ineffective in High Calcium Concentrations
Low Capacity–Ineffective Concentration of Metals
Binds Narrow Array of Metals

MetalXtract® Filter Media Removes Metals, Including REEs. 

MetalXtract Filter Media has the ability to bind, remove, extract and concentrate the elements highlighted in the Periodic Table of Elements below. Additional elements are being added as research is completed.


Try MetalXtract® Filters! 

MetalXtract comes in a variety of rolled media such as polyester and polypropylene, allowing you to include our revolutionary metal binding technology in your products. However, it also comes in pre-made filters in various standard sizes to rapidly launch a new product line, for any filtration company wanting to expand their offerings, to test, or use in their own filtration needs.